News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters honors the fallen

It's a long-standing Sisters tradition: Each Memorial Day, the community gathers at the Village Green for a solemn remembrance of those who have fallen in America's wars. The observance is organized by Sisters' active veterans organizations and brings together a Redmond Junior Marine ROTC color guard, an honor guard of Sisters veterans, and distinguished guests.

Retired Air Force Brigadier General Martha Meeker was this year's keynote speaker. General Meeker recounted supervising the return of the remains of a fallen U.S. Army private who had been killed in an IED attack. She was riding with the family in a procession that exited the gates of an Air Force base and proceeded down a boulevard lined a long mile with people who had come to pay their respects.

"The family will never forget that," Meeker said. "People coming out to show that the sacrifice of their son really did mean something. I was so proud of the American spirit in that moment."

That, the general explained, is why Memorial Day observance are so important. They remind us of the sacrifices of the small percentage of American citizens who serve in the military, and remind us to keep in mind the ongoing pain of those who are left behind when a service member is killed.

"I am very happy to see everybody here today," she said, "remembering those who did give all."

Sisters American Legion Commander Lance Trowbridge served as Master of Ceremonies. He introduced Chelsea Anttila, who offered up a beautiful a cappella rendition of the National Anthem. Each act of the ceremony, from the placing of a wreath to a description of a table set for the absent POW/MIA was imbued with symbolic meaning.

The event also honored the veterans who populate Sisters and continue to serve their community, as members of each branch of service came to their feet as their service branch anthem was played.

The solemnity of the memorial blended seamlessly into a festive afternoon as those in attendance adjourned to the Village Green's picnic structure to enjoy burgers and the fellowship of their fellow citizens.

Author Bio

Jim Cornelius, Editor in Chief

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Jim Cornelius is editor in chief of The Nugget and author of “Warriors of the Wildlands: True Tales of the Frontier Partisans.” A history buff, he explores frontier history across three centuries and several continents on his podcast, The Frontier Partisans. For more information visit


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