News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Sisters Country birds

Berries and insects are being gleaned around Sisters right now - by Cedar Waxwings [bombycilla cedrorum]. They occur in medium to large flocks that will be seen on almost any tree that has berries. Serviceberry, dogwood, honeysuckle, juniper, and mistletoe are just a few fruiting plants that provide food. In winter, they consume cedar berries, hence their name.

Waxwing refers to the red waxy secretions that appears on their secondary feathers, which may help in attracting a mate. They are very vocal birds with trills, whistles, and buzzes, which enable one to locate a flock.

Cedar Waxwings are among the latest-nesting birds. The female chooses the nest and then starts the five-to-six-day building process, which may require up to 2,500 trips to the nest. The nest consists of fine grasses, twigs, moss, bark, and hair. Two to six blue-gray eggs are incubated for 11-13 days and then fed at the nest for about two weeks.

The late nesting period allows for many berries to ripen, for the young hatchlings to grow on quickly. Later in summer the Cedar Waxwings will catch many insects on the fly for necessary dietary protein.

A group of waxwings is called an “ear-full,” or a “museum.” For more Cedar Waxwing images visit


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