
Sorted by date  Results 26 - 50 of 50

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 By Vicki Curlett    Extra

From our Community Marketing Partner

When I started with The Nugget almost six years ago, the term sales was on the display advertising employee’s card. Generally speaking, through the many sales and marketing jobs I have held for 45+ years, I have always shied away from the t... — Updated 4/11/2024

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

Getting The Nugget out on the street

It takes a bit of doing to get The Nugget into your mailbox on Wednesday morning, and to the businesses around town. We print The Nugget in Wenatchee, Washington, on one of the few remaining... — Updated 4/11/2024

 By Ashlee Francis    Extra

Fascial stretching eases aches & pains

When the human body feels stiff, sore or in pain, we tend to treat it with rest. If it gets bad enough, we may seek the expert opinion and help of a massage therapist, physical therapist or a... — Updated 1/23/2024

 By Rennie Morrell    Extra

Community service gets personal

A friend called me recently, distraught, tearful, and saying there was a letter in her mail when she returned from her holiday trip revoking her driver's license for health reasons. The hurt... — Updated 1/23/2024

 By Maret Pajutee    Extra

Born under a lucky star

Every once in a while, you meet someone who draws you in like a moth to a light. The exact chemistry is a mystery but there is something about the spring in their step, engaging smile, and... — Updated 11/30/2023

 By Ceili Gatley    Extra

Oregon spirit distillers tour

Part of the spirit of Central Oregon is the enjoyment of actual spirits. Oregon Spirit Distillers (OSD) is known for high-end spirits, encompassing locally sourced materials and grains from h... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Bill Bartlett    Extra

'Shrooming in Central Oregon

Mushrooms - fungi to the enthusiast - are all around us. Aficionados of all ages delight in hunting the sometimes otherworldly looking organisms, many of which are edible for humans (some... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

Tapping the spirit of adventure

Central Oregon is a dream destination for people from around the world. Paradoxically, the region is also full of people who love to travel. Maybe the spirit of adventure is what brought them... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

Entrepreneurial spirit enhances a dog's life

It's the classic entrepreneurial scenario: a man with a certain set of skills sees a need and sets about filling it. It was all Ginger's doing. Ginger was John Acree's English Bulldog. She... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Ceili Gatley    Extra

The ageless spirit of dance

Sue Leek has been dancing for over 20 years. Leek is the type of person who dances to her own beat in many aspects of life - not only on the dance floor competing in dance competitions at... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jess Draper    Extra

Makers engage creative spirit

A sunny weekend in early September was perfect for a gathering of the creative, the curious, and the resourceful for an event dubbed "the greatest show-and-tell on earth." Central Oregon... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Ceili Gatley    Extra

Up to the Northern Cascades

Hood River is a gem of a town located just east of Mt. Hood nestled within the Columbia River Gorge. Mt. Hood looms in the distance, casting its shadow over numerous local farms and... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Sue Stafford    Extra

Playing Tourist in Central Oregon

Whether you're a local or a visitor, there's nothing more enjoyable than setting aside a day or two here and there just to take in the sights. Spirit of Central Oregon offers here a couple... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

Central Oregon rider chases dreams

When Sanoma Blakeley and her horse Goober crossed the finish line in the grueling Tevis Cup Ride endurance race in 2019, she fulfilled a dream she'd held since childhood. Recounting the... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Sue Stafford    Extra

Life on the 21st Century farm

Central Oregon is well-known for its multitude of outdoor activities - hiking, camping, snow sports, fishing, river rafting, biking, horseback riding. A newer, less-well-known attraction is a... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Ceili Gatley    Extra

Memories on the Metolius

The Metolius River is a wild and scenic place that holds many memories for many people. The river that runs through Camp Sherman is the centerpiece to an area filled with rich history and no... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Bill Bartlett    Extra

Volunteers give children the gift of peaceful sleep

"No kid sleeps on the floor in our town!" That's the slogan for Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP), a 10-year-old 501(c)(3) nonprofit with 330 chapters in 45 states including one in Bend, helping... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Sue Stafford    Extra

Bob Shaw's sparkling Central Oregon

"Blessed beyond what I deserve," is the way retired KTVZ meteorologist Bob Shaw describes it. After 24 years in front of the camera, 21 as the "Most Popular TV Personality in Central... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Bill Bartlett    Extra

Falconry: Keeping the ancient art alive

Hank Minor is a master falconer. While he understands the mythical lore and occasional romanticism of falconry, he is very clear what the sport is all about - capturing and training a bird... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

November 10, 2023 Inside Scoop

Nugget Special Publications Leith Easterling is the longest-serving member of The Nugget team, with more than three decades in a variety of roles at the newspaper. Currently, she handles... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jess Draper    Extra

October 12, 2023 Inside Scoop

Hello Nugget supporters! I'm Jess Draper, creative director here at The Nugget. I've been laying out our beloved newspaper for the last 18 years! Over the last year I've been blessed to... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

September 22, 2023 Inside Scoop

The newspaper enterprise My partner in ownership of The Nugget also owns a paper that was founded by William F. Cody - Buffalo Bill. As a lifelong frontier history nerd, you can imagine how t... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

August 8, 2023 Inside Scoop

Dissecting Page 2 Page 2 of The Nugget gets a lot of attention - as it should. It's the spot where Sisters comes to share its opinions, its grievances, and its appreciation. A fellow... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Jim Cornelius    Extra

July 11, 2023 Inside Scoop

Hello Nugget supporters: The staff here at The Nugget thought it would be fun and interesting to share some of the inner workings of the paper with those who have stepped up to support our... — Updated 11/13/2023

 By Sue Stafford    Extra

Four decades of serving Sisters

Dr. Bonnie Malone, longtime Sisters chiropractor, is retiring and closing her clinic as of November 27, 2023. For 42-1/2 years in Sisters, Malone has been deeply engaged in the life of the... — Updated 11/9/2023


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