Letters, letters, letters


Last updated 4/30/2002 at Noon

The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer's name, address and phone number. Letters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor. The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.

To the Editor:

Thanks to the comprehensive statement from Rod Bonacker in last week's issue of The Nugget Newspaper (page 2), the Sisters area now has a real grasp of the potential impact of a proposed land exchange along Squaw Creek south of Sisters.

While most Oregonians support the goal of acquiring private land within the Steens Mountain area into public ownership, why should it mean giving up such a desirable area here in Central Oregon?

It is ironic that in the same issue of the paper, there was a story about the Deschutes Basin Land Trust working with Willamette Industries to acquire 1,240 acres along Lake Creek in the Metolius Basin.

Yet all of us face losing this other waterfront property at the same time.

In addition, the Forest Service has a land exchange in the Metolius area that will place other Lake Creek property in public ownership.

Does this mean that if I went out in eastern Oregon and purchased some land that the federal government would like, but can't purchase, that I could then trade it for property on Three Creeks Lake or along the Metolius River?

SFF Presents: Big Ponderoo June 29 and 30, 2024

I would like to think not, but it would be no different than this proposed land exchange.

If you are concerned about this loss of Squaw Creek property as I am, go back and read Rod's statement. Then write our congressmen, federal land managers and environmental organizations and let them know that this is not good public policy to trade away such land.

If the federal government wants to acquire the Steens Mountain property, let them purchase it.

Jim Fisher

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To the Editor;

Mr. Lyons voiced concerns in regards to Brigitte K. Gager's April 10 letter.

As an American Jew, I say Ms. Gager's venomous rhetoric is nothing new. I've heard and experienced goyum propaganda before.

Ms. Gager would be well-served to learn that opinions are rarely if ever the same as facts. When she casts her opinions as facts she opens herself to response, which it seems to me is a goal of hers. This is what her strong, emotional tirade exposes.

Ponderosa Properties - Sisters, Oregon Realtor

Fortunately, our First Amendment rights give us all the means to express ourselves. In my opinion, sunlight is the best disinfectant for views of people such as Brigitte K. Gager as opposed to them festering in the dark and attacking in force.

Ms. Gager's use of information opinion attempts to lend herself credibility. I find it interesting, but vile, her views on Jewish figures using a Jewish-owned newspaper as her source. I do believe that the Bible is not an accurate historical document. However, it is worth noting that Ms. Gager didn't debunk the most famous Jewish figure of all. Perhaps Ms. Gager is in denial that Jesus was Jewish.

Sisters - The Old West, All Grown Up

I am an American Jew, not an Israeli or a Zionist. And in terms of Israeli military tactics of preemptive air strikes on grounded planes, bravo. Guess what, we do it too.

If Ms. Gager feels the need to cast the Israelis as aggressors so be it. I'm glad (she) signed her name and placed (her) opinions in the public forum. As I said, sunlight is the best disinfectant!

Steve Coltin

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To the Editor:

To the residents of the Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District and the Sisters-Camp Sherman Rural Fire Protection District, I would like to introduce you to the fire free program, Saturday, May 4 and Sunday May 5.

We will be accepting yard debris at the Fryrear landfill from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days.

Sisters Furry Friends Foundation

Yard debris consists of grass clippings. pine needles, juniper duff, small brush and limbs. We ask that you do not bring stumps or yard ornaments.

This is our second year participating in this program and we would like your help. We will be keeping track of the neighborhoods that participate. I would like to challenge each neighborhood to participate. If your neighbor cannot haul their yard debris, offer to help.

Let's make this a fire-free summer. For more informaiton, contact your fire department.

Thank you.

Deanne Dement

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To the Editor,

The merchants in Sisters came through once again when the John Craig Memorial Ski Race was held on McKenzie Pass March 23.

This was my first experience in asking for donations and although these businesses are asked many times to support local events the response the race received was more than generous and very gracious.

Sweeney Plumbing 541-549-4349


Ardie Winters


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