News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

New computer service business opens in Sisters

Malware? Spyware? Worms? Viruses? If you use a computer these days, these are terms you should know, because if you haven't already experienced one or all of them, you probably will.

Even if you use a Mac.

Tim Nafziger, owner of Sisters' newest computer business, 3 Peaks Computers, can help rid your system of these and other annoying - and potentially devastating - computer woes.

He specializes in wired and wireless networking; security; and ridding computers of un-necessary and unwanted junk that can accumulate over time if you're not very careful about keeping it out of your system. If you're in the market for a new machine, he'll build one to your specifications at a surprisingly low price, and deliver it with only the software you want installed.

Nafziger will service your machine either at your residence or workplace, or at his Sisters office, with free pickup and delivery in the Sisters area.

Born and raised in Albany, Oregon, Tim and his wife, Rebekah, met at Vanguard University, a Christian liberal arts and professional studies school in Southern California, where he administered around 150 lab computers, as well as the student network.

Tim and Rebekah moved to Sisters Country four years ago after deciding, like many of us, that they were tired of city life.

"We didn't necessarily end up wanting to move to Sisters," said Tim. "We went on a vacation in 2003, saying, 'let's just find someplace.'

"We roamed all over northern California; the coast; I mean, we went everywhere. We came back through here a couple times."

2003, of course, was the year of the B&B Fire.

"We just thought, 'this is smoky and nasty.'" But, he says, "...we just felt that this is where God wanted us to be," so they moved here in 2004.

Finding work after their transition to Sisters was tough; Rebekah took a job as a teacher at what is now Sisters Christian Academy.

"She supported me for a while, which was humbling," Tim said.

Tim landed a job at Multnomah Publishers and, when that business was sold, ran Christian Books Direct, an online book distributor, for about 10 months until that business was bought by a larger Christian-products distributor.

"Which was good and bad," Tim told The Nugget. "That meant I had to find other work, and I decided at that time, 'I'm going to start this computer business,' because I'd been wanting to do this for about seven years."

Tim had some ideas for creating what he calls " sporting events; taking it from the screen to real life; but that just doesn't seem feasible in Sisters, probably not even in Central Oregon. So I started working with some local business owners, mentors, and we narrowed it down to service.

"I was about two weeks away from signing papers, getting a lease and getting going" he said, "and Sisters Community Church decided to hire me."

Ultimately, he worked for them up until the first week in November, when he opened the doors to his new business.

Tim and Rebekah have a two-year-old daughter, Caitlin, and another child due in March.

Nafziger can be reached at 541-588-6670, [email protected] or


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