News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Opinion / Columns

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 167

  • In The Pines: Our Wiggly District

    T. Lee Brown|Updated Oct 22, 2024

    In my email queue, I get lots of emails from Lori Chavez-DeRemer, the politician representing our oddly shaped, wiggly District 5 in U.S. Congress. In my physical mailbox I receive a boatload of shiny flyers from her campaign and supporters. Chavez-DeRemer appears to be as wiggly as our newly shaped district itself. In debates, Chavez-DeRemer positions herself as a bipartisan, non-extreme centrist in an attempt to gain the votes of District 5 NAVs like me, the non-affiliated... Full story

  • Building blocks: Community engagement on the rise

    Sue Stafford|Updated Oct 15, 2024

    The October Community Builders meeting was held at the U.S. Forest Service Sisters Ranger District garage. Attendees were welcomed by Lauren DuRocher, acting district ranger while Ian Reid is on a four-month temporary assignment on the Modoc National Forest. He will be back in Sisters in early December. (A separate article on the Sisters Ranger District activities will appear in the October 23 Nugget.) • Kellen Klein, C4C executive director, announced that their first ann... Full story

  • The hacking of the American mind

    Craig Rullman|Updated Oct 15, 2024

    Something in the American mind has been hacked, and while the meat of the case rests on the erosion of barriers between citizens and government, one excellent lead to follow might be burgeoning threats to the First Amendment by the very people charged with preserving it. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a good example. By suggesting, during his debate with Senator JD Vance, that it is illegal to shout “fire” in a crowded theater he did two things. First, he lied. It is not illeg... Full story

  • In the Pines: The Rollercoaster of Joy, part two

    T. Lee Brown|Updated Oct 15, 2024

    In which the writer continues to contemplate and blather upon the subject of joy, inspired by a writing prompt in musician and writer Nick Cave’s column “The Red Hand Files.” Mr. Cave seemed to advocate seeking out joy, treating joy as a decision that one makes. Here’s where we left off last column (Click here to see previous column.): We can court joy and look for it. We can imagine it is within our control. Or we can turn our back and wait for it to tap us on the shoulde... Full story

  • In The Pines: The Rollercoaster of Joy, part one

    T. Lee Brown|Updated Oct 8, 2024

    A dark, postpunk musician I’ve admired for decades, a man beloved of Goths and Johnny Cash fans, has somehow become both a mainstream rock star and a religiously inspired advice columnist. Yes, I’m talking about the inimitable Nick Cave. On his beguiling blog “The Red Hand Files,” Mr. Cave usually answers questions. Recently he turned the tables. He asked us, his readers and fans, to answer his question: “I have a full life. A privileged life. An unendangered life. But somet... Full story

  • Trailgrams: Little Three Creek Lake Trail, perfect for all

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Oct 8, 2024

    We wrote about this trail four years ago, but it bears repeating given its proximity and beauty. A near perfect trail for families or hikers simply looking for an easier outing full of scenery. It's mapped as a 2.6 mile out and back undertaking, longer if you take an extension. Plan on a bit more than an hour. It's well maintained and easy to navigate with new trail markers to guide you at the junctions. It's a great trail for dogs, especially those fond of water. Why go: The... Full story

  • Sisters Country birds

    Douglas Beall|Updated Sep 24, 2024

    Quickly moving rivers and streams are home to the Common Merganser (Mergus merganser). Cruising jet-like up and down waterways, only a few inches above the ripples, landing and then diving for fish and crustaceans with their serrated bills, this Merganser sports either a vivid rust coloured crest (female) or an iridescent green head (male) that is a joy to behold. The Common Merganser nests in hollowed-out trees, on cliffs or on the ground, normally on the banks of rivers.... Full story

  • Life is a Game: Flyfishing - Game and Metagame Part 1

    Robert Kruger|Updated Sep 24, 2024

    When I interviewed the owner of The Fly Fisher’s place, Jeff Perin, a few months ago, just before his guide trip to Belize, he observed, a little jokingly, that fly fishing is life, and reconciling that idea with the life-is-a-game perspective, it would follow that fly fishing is, too. How is fly fishing – or life – a game? What is the system we’re playing within? What is the objective, and how do we keep score? Where does the game start, and where does the game end? And maybe most importantly, what is the metagame? As I di... Full story

  • Your Story Matters: Reframing resilience

    Audry Van Houweling PMHNP|Updated Sep 24, 2024

    In recent years and especially on the heels of COVID’s onslaught, which generated a potent, collective grief, popular culture has given new fame to concepts such as social-emotional learning, self-care, and burnout prevention. It also put the spotlight on a concept that has long been loved in this country because it evokes sentiments of self-determination, grit, and perseverance central to our national identity. We are talking about the buzz word of resilience. We have all h... Full story

  • Log man

    Craig Rullman|Updated Sep 24, 2024

    I was sitting in the Outlaw Women Saloon in Augusta, Montana, enjoying an interesting conversation with the bartender - a young lady from southern Florida who came to Montana because she wanted to learn to be a cowgirl, and a fellow named Log Man, who was finishing up his adventure on the Continental Divide Trail -when a loud chorus of boos and hisses suddenly erupted from the other side of the bar. We all swiveled in that direction, expecting a good, cow-town sort of bar... Full story

  • Bull by Bull

    Judy Bull|Updated Sep 24, 2024

    • I can’t sing a lick, but when the Gary Gruner “Made in America” song comes on with their TV ad, I sing every word about as loud as I can. That ad looks, feels, and sounds so Central Oregon. Thank you, Gary Gruner. • When Hazel called the other morning and asked if I’d like to make a Costco run, I jumped at the chance to ride along. I gulped down my breakfast, threw on some clothes and quickly did what I could with my hair, including spraying it with Endust, which was sitting right next to the can of Suave Max Hold. • Sec... Full story

  • Scottie Wisdom & Faith: Making work fun

    Jean Russell Nave|Updated Sep 17, 2024

    Lighten up! Make your work fun and you will succeed more than ever. This is just another thing I’m learning from these new puppies we’ve adopted. They are nearly a year old, and they are smarter than me sometimes. I’m more than a Scottie mom. I’m also the primary care person for my husband who is dealing with cancer. I have a busy life with lots of responsibilities. It would be easy to get bogged down. But … These Scottie puppies won’t let me do that. Everything is a game to t... Full story

  • Trailgrams: Tumalo Falls Loop Trail

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Sep 10, 2024

    Tumalo Falls Loop Trail appears on just about everybody's top five list of trails within an hour of Sisters. If you've been, you'll likely agree. If you haven't then you should make it a priority. It truly is a gem and one of the most-photographed hikes in all of Oregon. At seven miles, it's not a walk in the park. Neither is it grinding despite its 1,200-foot elevation gain. The ascent is gradual and spaced over 3.5 miles. The sheer beauty of the thick forest and cascading... Full story

  • Consider This: Transcending our story

    Mitchell L. Luftig Ph.D.|Updated Sep 10, 2024

    The Cohen Brothers’ movie, “The Matrix” is returning to the big screen. In the movie, humanity lives within the Matrix, where pleasant virtual reality daydreams have been substituted for reality, and self-aware machines farm the slumbering humans for energy. Neo and his compatriots manage to extricate themselves from the Matrix, fighting back against the artificial intelligence that has enslaved humanity. Perhaps the Cohen Brothers were onto something, that each of us lives within a matrix; not one fashioned by artif... Full story

  • Sisters Country birds

    Douglas Beall|Updated Sep 3, 2024

    While perched on the tip of a branch the Ash-throated Flycatcher [Myiarchus cinerascens] will tweak its head from side to side in a quizzical manner as it waits for its next insect meal. They prefer drier environs and do not drink water because all is needed are the fluids from their insect diet. Small lizards, fruits, and berries are occasionally consumed. Three to seven brown- streaked white eggs are laid after a nest of grasses, twigs, and rootlets are woven together and... Full story

  • In the Pines: A bounteous September

    T. Lee Brown|Updated Sep 3, 2024

    It’s a beautiful September morning in Sisters Country. The sun is out but it’s not too hot yet. The sky is brushed with a hint of smoke, nothing much compared to the last few summers. The forest is quiet, other than some loud equipment, a dog barking, and a small plane flying low. OK, not really that quiet. Compared to a city, though? The forest is heavenly. It’s a good life, in a good place. I am one of the lucky ones and I totally know it. But by late afternoon I may have fo... Full story

  • Sisters nice

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Aug 27, 2024

    There’s Minnesota nice. And Wisconsin nice. And Canada nice. Maybe some others, probably mostly in the Midwest. I don’t recall Oregon nice. Nor California nice. And then there’s Sisters nice. You know the kind of nice I’m talking about. It mostly just happens, right? It happens so routinely that we don’t need to put it into words. Like many of you, I ride my bike around town. And, much to the chagrin of my adult children, an electric scooter. Not one of those three-whe... Full story

  • Something to behold

    Cody Rheault|Updated Aug 20, 2024

    The night sky is home to bewildering spectacles. I remember the first time I noticed. I was six years old living in Edmonton, Alberta, with my family. My brother and I were awakened one winter night by our parents. "There's something you need to see," they said with glee. They wrapped us in fleece blankets and cradled us out the front door of our Canadian home into a brilliantly cold evening. My parents were shoveling snow from the driveway when it began. My eyes traced my... Full story

  • The Joy of living with '3-year-olds'

    Jean Nave|Updated Aug 20, 2024

    How long has it been since you became giddy with joy just watching a bee scoot around a daisies’ pollen-laden center, amazed at how the bee could fill its pollen basket (also known as the corbicula) with so much pollen and still be able to fly? When did you last watch a procession of ants, being filled with wonder, and then try to follow the line to its end? These are just a couple of the wonders my young Scotties have helped me enjoy seeing recently. The Scotties were born in Idaho during the late fall. Cold had already k... Full story

  • Trailgrams: Canyon Creek Meadows Loop

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Aug 20, 2024

    This delightful, easy to moderate outing is occasionally confused by other nearby trails. It is not the Three Fingered Jack trail or even the Jack Lake Trail (there is no Jack Lake trail per se). At the Jack Lake trailhead you are treated to options one of which is Canyon Creek Meadows Loop part of which is on the Old Summit Trail. The loop section is just at five miles with an elevation gain of roughly 600 feet. There are branches that can turn it into a 7.6 mile or longer ex... Full story

  • Is the system broken?

    Sue Stafford|Updated Aug 20, 2024

    Before moving to Sisters in 2004, I researched the medical community in Central Oregon – doctors, clinics, hospitals, emergency services – and was encouraged that quality medical care would be readily available. And it was, in the beginning. When I moved, I had just turned 60 and was not yet eligible for Medicare. My first job at hospice offered me excellent group health insurance coverage. I quickly established relationships with several medical practices where I found it... Full story

  • Smoketown blues

    Craig Rullman|Updated Aug 12, 2024

    Snoop Dogg, it turns out, brought unexpected levity and light to an otherwise smoke-filled summer. His observation that pole vaulters get “high-high” was as prescient as reporting seems to get anymore, and so this space counts it a solid win for the otherwise dismal condition of the fourth estate. Most of the smoke locally is the result of fire, of course, discounting the tropospheric smoke and radiation from the world’s most embarrassing presidential election cycle. With... Full story

  • Tight Lines: Running with the Bulls

    Chester Allen|Updated Aug 6, 2024

    For those of you who have struggled to hook and land a really big bull trout (I am one of you), you might want to not read any further. Okay, I warned you. Here's my tale: One of the coolest things about the Metolius River is that huge, predatory fish - bull trout - lurk in many parts of the river. If you see a log or two sticking out of the water, there's a good chance that a bull trout is lurking under the wood and waiting for a smaller trout or whitefish to make a mistake.... Full story

  • Roundabout Sisters: The circle of life

    Bill Bartlett|Updated Aug 6, 2024

    If you want to restore your faith in the country, spend a little time with ag kids in Sisters. I had the pleasure, once again, in visiting with the more than 40-strong members of Cloverdale Livestock Club, the local 4-H chapter in Sisters Country. 4-H has been around for 122 years and for 76 of those, 4-H has thrived in Sisters Country as Cloverdale Livestock Club. 4-H is the nation's largest youth development organization surpassing Scouting. The 4‑H idea is simple: help y... Full story

  • In the Pines: Smoke & luck

    T. Lee Brown|Updated Aug 6, 2024

    Last time we checked in with our story of 2017, my family was trying to drive through the pass on Highway 126/20 after watching the solar eclipse, and move into the home we'd bought. Best laid plans of mice and men, as the saying goes. Our new neighborhood west of Sisters had been evacuated so we headed to the Valley for a week or so. Coming back to Sisters proved impossible. In addition to the roaring, smoking Milli Fire very close to Sisters itself, we were stopped at the... Full story

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