News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Boys and girls hoops drop openers

The boys and girls basketball squads both dropped their games in the pre-season opener. The boys fell in a tight game on the road at Dallas that ended in a 44-40 loss, and the girls were defeated with a score of 50-32 on the road against Valley Catholic (VC).

At Dallas, the boys team started off well and led for most of the first half against the physical 5A Dragons. Dallas went hard to the rim and the Outlaws did a great job defending. As the clock ticked down in the final quarter, mental mistakes and some unforced turnovers were the difference in the game.

Coach Rob Jensen said, “Overall, the boys showed some grit in the first real varsity competition many of them had faced. The mistakes we made are ones that are easily fixed and are expected from an inexperienced squad. They had great work rate and kept at it. With a few games’ experience and calmed nerves the outcome would likely have been different. I’m proud of how they played.”

Nate Weber led the team with 14 points, including four three-pointers. Sam Nicklous scored seven points and Connor Linn added six. Connor also grabbed 13 rebounds from the wing, and Joe Scholl added eight boards. Hudson Jones pitched in with five points, and Brogan Petterson and Scholl finished with four points each.

On the girls side, the Lady Outlaws played hard against a very skilled Valiant squad. The Outlaws struggled against Valley Catholic’s quickness and athleticism, and at the close of the first quarter were down 2-14, and at the half trailed 11-26.

Sisters made some adjustments and were able to execute more of their game plan in the second half. The Outlaws did force VC to turn the ball over 18 times, but Coach Brittaney Neibergall told The Nugget that their goal is to improve turning the turnovers into points on the offensive end.

The Lady Outlaws stepped it up in the fourth quarter and found their offensive rhythm. They made some very good passing decisions, and players finished their shots. Sisters outscored VC in the final quarter 12-10.

“I thought the girls did a lot of very good things,” said Neibergall. “It gave us a chance to really see areas that we need to continue to focus on as we move forward. As a team effort, the girls played hard and continuously competed throughout the game. As they continue to do that, they are going to give themselves an opportunity to be competitive in many games.”

Payden Petterson scored nine points for the Outlaws, and freshman Josie Patton, in her first varsity game, also scored nine points. Senior point guard Hallie Schwartz recorded eight points. Coach Niebergall noted she was pleased with the minutes that freshman Ellie Mayes contributed.


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