News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

City of Sisters COVID-19 Situation Report - 6/10/2020

Last Saturday, June 6, Deschutes County was approved by the state to move into Phase 2 of re-opening and will be in this phase for a minimum of 21 days. Some key changes include an increase to gathering limits of 50 people indoors 100 people outdoors, up to 250 people in venues with six-feet of physical distance and other measures in place, restaurant and bar curfews extended to midnight, and increased travel will be allowed throughout Oregon although staying local is still recommended.

Current state information on re-opening can be found at

The City of Sisters is still providing some services in an adjusted way. The Creekside Campground opened in early June and has been operating under a contingency plan allowing only one-third of campsites to be open (as well as other measures). All city playgrounds have been closed and will likely remain so under state restrictions in Phase 2. (UPDATE: Late on Monday, June 8, the governor’s office clarified that playgrounds WILL be allowed to reopen under Phase 2 and that “there will be forthcoming guidance on sanitizing your kids before and after.” The City of Sisters will announce plans for reopening playgrounds soon).

City operations and customer service never ceased, although City Hall has been and remains closed to the public until Phase 3. City Council and committee meetings have resumed in person for June, subject to social distancing and with the public participating via conference call (specific meeting information available on the front page of the City website).

For temporary policies the City wants to extend beyond its emergency declaration (currently until June 24) it must convert administrative orders into Council resolutions and has been preparing to do so leading up to that date.

One key administrative order (enabled by the emergency declaration) was the right-of-way pilot Parklet Program that has been implemented by a handful of businesses. The feedback has been very positive and it is anticipated that this program will continue for the rest of this summer, subject to refinements.

The City continues to stay informed and active with the phased re-opening. Balancing health and the economy has and continues to be the focus. Resources as well as updates from the City of Sisters can be found at


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