News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor - 9/16/20

To the Editor:

Last week Bill Kemp asked those readers of The Nugget, that are also supporters of Trump, “What would it take for them to abandon their support of him?” My immediate response to that question is: What is my choice?

I refuse to have to flip a coin between two basic idiots to decide which one gets my vote. I also refuse to make that decision based on the lesser of two evils; in my opinion all politicians are evil so I’ll vote for the guy that after four years still does not qualify as a politician, let alone a mental giant.

Trump is the least politically correct person I have ever known to hold any political office; I don’t consider this a character flaw but a virtue, I wish more politicians held that view. What I don’t like about him are the same things most Americans don’t like: He is inarticulate, his exaggerations are justifiably interpreted as lies, his crudeness and his divisive rhetoric are just a few examples that I’m forced to ignore over the traits that I am more than willing to accept.

A better question asked by Bill Kemp might have been “why do any of us have to choose between these extreme differences?” Political parties were not this divisive, say, when Nixon and Kennedy ran in the 1960s.

The answer to all of this is we are a republic; run by a runaway partisan democracy where the divide seems to be irreversible.

Terry Coultas

To the Editor:

I know we don’t teach much history anymore but maybe it would be good for people to remember that the last president who was pilloried and lied about by Democrats as much as President Trump was President Lincoln. He proved himself to have been one of the best presidents ever and he was the man who freed the African Americans over Democrats’ objections.

Anger and hate is tearing this country apart. Who is better off for this? To quote Rodney King: Can’t we all just get along?

Jean Nave

To the Editor

In a time of intense crisis, fear, sickness, and unrest, I am so thankful for the people who have rallied together to serve others.

I am thankful for all the men and women of law enforcement who stand guard to protect us. These men and women selflessly lay down their lives for complete strangers.

I am thankful for all the medical professionals who open their doors and risk their own health to welcome those in need of physical care.

I am thankful to the thousands of firefighters who courageously battle the wildfires and work tirelessly to keep our state beautiful and protect our homes.

I am thankful to the local Christian pastors who know that eternal salvation through Jesus is humanity’s most essential need. They have vowed to keep their doors open to serve our community—proving that the church has never, nor ever will be closed.

I am thankful for the friends and family who have endured these difficult times with patience and thoughtfulness as they seek to remain in community with one another.

I am thankful to have an eternal hope in Jesus that no fire can destroy, no mask can hide, and no looter can steal. I am thankful to belong to an eternal kingdom whose king is not up for election. If you are isolated, scared, tired, or weary reach out for help.

If your hope is resting on the results of November 3, I would urge you to place your hope in Christ — the only true savior. We don’t have to go through these times alone, there is much to be thankful for, and there is a hope that is unshakable.

Jensen Newton


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