News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Boyle plea hearing pushed back

The plea hearing for a Sisters spa owner accused of multiple counts of sex abuse and practicing massage without a license has been pushed back to February 17.

Mike Boyle is the owner of Hop in the Spa in downtown Sisters. A Deschutes County Grand Jury handed up an indictment on September 7, 2021 including:

•?13 counts of practice of massage without a license;

•?Two counts of sexual abuse in the first degree (Class B felony);

•?Five counts of sexual abuse in the third degree (Class A misdemeanor);

•?One count of assault in the fourth degree (Class A misdemeanor).

In total, 11 victims, all of whom were allegedly victimized while patronizing Hop in the Spa, according to the District Attorney. The victims reportedly came forward after an initial complaint that led to Boyle’s arrest in July 2021, but did not result in charges.

Boyle has denied touching anyone inappropriately and said that Hop in the Spa does not offer massage and that Oregon law excludes massage that is not done for compensation.

Jeff Van Laanen, an investigator with the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists, is conducting a separate investigation into allegations that Boyle conducted massage without a license. He told The Nugget that the board did not take action on the matter in its November meeting. The Board meets again at the end of January.


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