News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

A summer of reading in Sisters Country

True or false? People read more in the summer. True, according to a 2021 OnePoll survey of 2,000 respondents. Fifty-six percent admitted to reading at least one “serious” book in the summer to look smarter.

Thirty-six percent use the summer months to brush up on their knowledge of history, while two in five read more mysteries during vacation months than they do at any other time of the year. More than half of those polled (53 percent) look forward to romantic reads on their holiday break — including, surprisingly, more men than women (56 percent versus 37 percent). Men are also more likely to admit they use the summer to read books they like without fear of judgment (73 percent versus 62 percent).

The Nugget asked some familiar faces around town what they’re reading this summer. Judy Trego, head of Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce, is reading “Progress and Poverty” by Henry George, first published in 1880.

Over at the firehouse, Chief Roger Johnson is digesting “The Secret Knowledge of Water” by Craig Childs. Johnson knows something about water. Curt Scholl, school superintendent, has his hands on “Drive” by Daniel H. Pink.

Crista Munro, executive director of Sisters Folk Festival seems excited by her choice. “I’m currently reading ‘Great Circle’ by Maggie Shipstead. Great summer read!”

Sisters District Ranger Ian Reid is rereading “Hunting Trophy Antelope: A Do-it-Yourself Guide” by Mike Eastman in prep for an upcoming antelope hunt on Steens Mountain. He just finished “There There” by Tommy Orange.

Lt. Chad Davis, who leads the Sisters sheriff’s office, is taking on “Killing The Mob,” the 10th book in the multimillion-selling series by Bill O’Reilly and Marin Dugard.

Mayor Michael Preedin laments: “I wish I had time to read a good book. I’m generally pouring over city code, correspondence, and minutes!”

He was far from alone among those we queried in lamenting the lack of time to hunker down with a good read.

What the pros are reading

Being able to get your hands on over a thousand titles at any given time could make finding a book to read daunting. Nonetheless, Lane Jacobson, owner of Paulina Springs Books, has decided on “Calling for a Blanket Dance” by Oscar Hokeah.

Staffers: Molly — “Tough Women Adventure Stories” by Jenny Tough; Sue — “Portrait of An Unknown Woman” by Daniel Silva; Beth — “The Summer Place” by Jennifer Weiner; Lee — “Fruiting Bodies” by Kathryn Harlan.

Jacobson reports: “Our bestsellers over the last two months are the perennially bestselling “100 Hikes in Central Oregon” by Bill Sullivan and “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimmerer.”

Sisters Librarian Zoe Schumacher knows a thing or two about reading. She’s engrossed in “Bookends” by Zibby Owens.

What the writers are reading

Down at The Nugget, Kit Tosello, also our ace proofreader, is totally into Camille Eide’s “The Secret Place,” which takes place on the McKenzie River (with a mention of Sisters).

“I’m enjoying this story of mothers, daughters, and sisters, family secrets, faith, and forgiveness,” she said.

Katy Yoder is wrapped up in “The Body Is Not an Apology” by Sonya Renee Taylor, saying:

“The book is multilayered, insightful, and written with uncanny wisdom. Body acceptance, yours and mine, reflects society’s push to shame and encourage people to buy beauty. Harmful stereotypes and judgments are divisive. To accept and love our bodies is a step toward accepting and loving others. No matter the differences.”

Scottie Wisdom columnist Jean Nave says, “I’m reading a wonderful book that is a collection of articles which help a person focus on things that can improve their lives” — “Make Your Life Worthwhile” by Emmet Fox.

Chief Nugget wordsmith (and Editor in Chief) Jim Cornelius is on a mission with his summer reading. “I am in the midst of research for my next Frontier Partisans podcast, which is titled ‘Once Upon a Time in Los Angeles.’ I’m reading Horace Bell’s memoir of Gold Rush-era Los Angeles, ‘Reminiscences of a Ranger: Early Times in Southern California,’ John Mack Faragher’s ‘Eternity Street: Violence and Justice in Frontier Los Angeles,’ and John Boessenecker’s ‘Bandido: The Life and Times of Tiburcio Vasquez.’”

The inimitable Erik Dolson, as is his wont, is flipping the tables on us and is suggesting these reads, which have inspired different decades of his life: (1950-1960) “I, Robot” by Isaac Asimov, “Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert Heinlein.

(1960-1970) “The Book” by Alan Watts; “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by Thomas S. Kuhn.

(1970-1980); “Zorba the Greek” by Nikko Kanzanzakis; “Memories, Dreams, Reflections” by Carl Jung.

(1980-1990) “Godel Escher & Bach” by Douglas Hofstader; (1990-2000) “Alcoholics Anonymous” by Many; (2000-2010) “Hold Me Tight” by Dr.

Sue Johnson; (2010-2020) “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kanheman.

And, for this decade: “The End of the World Is Just the Beginning” by Peter Zeihan.

Mitchell Luftig checks in: “I am a big fan of the fantasy genre — I’m still hoping to stumble across an ancient prophecy illuminating my future destiny. This summer I’ve turned to Robert Jordan’s “The Wheel of Time” series where Rand al‘Thor is the only one destined to thwart the dark lord.”

Got a book you’d like to recommend? Email [email protected]


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