News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Letters to the Editor – 4/5/2023

Poop fairies

To the Editor:

Thank you for running the article on poop fairies in last week’s Nugget.

This is a growing problem. I live on Brooks Camp Road across from The Pines, and I cannot tell you how much dog poop I pick up because people think that our neighborhood is their dogs’ vacant lot to poop in. Our children run and play in this area, and too many times parents have had a terrible clean-up after a kid has tracked in someone’s dog poop.

People need to be responsible on trail, but they also need to be responsible in the neighborhoods where we all must live together. Even though our HOA has provided poo bag stations for their use, people do not avail themselves of these. Not only do people bring their dogs to our neighborhood to do their business, and then just leave it there, they also do it on neighboring church properties in our community. I even find open feces in the middle of the sidewalk. Who does this?!

If you have a dog, it is your job whether you like it or not. If you do not like to pick up your own dog’s mess, then you should not own a dog.

Michelle Ehr

(Who is tired of picking up after your dog, including the bags you leave alongside the street.)

Too much too fast?

To the Editor:

I keep hearing that Sisters must conform to more housing developments “because more growth is mandated by the State.” But if we’ve already grown by more than 200 percent in two decades, how fast does Salem expect us to grow? We have increased our size faster than 99 percent of other U.S. cities. Including Salem!

Do our city planners, commissioners, leaders... really believe their “hands are tied” when it comes to squeezing in more new housing developments? Sure, we need affordable housing, but we don’t appear to be getting any in this “mandated” building boom.

I just want to know why our sweet little town is being forced to expand so quickly. Is the State truly behind it? Or is that just an opportunistic guise for profiteering? And what is it costing us?

According to United States Demographics: “Sisters has grown 216.6 percent since 2000. Sisters, Oregon is growing extremely quickly; it is growing faster than 99 percent of similarly sized cities since 2000.”

Melody Carlson


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