News and Opinion from Sisters, Oregon

Cold kindness

November and December of 2023 felt like April, warm, lots of sun, and all the plants were turning green. But January 2024 quickly blew in like a lion charging a mule deer buck. It could have taken us all down but for one important thing.

Difficult times usually bring out the best in people, and Sisters Country people are the best ever.

My husband and I contracted a very nasty cold around the first of January. It still had us in its grip when this bitter cold and snow came to town. No worries. Our wonderful neighbor knocked on the door after the first 12 inch snow dump, snow rake in hand, as he offered to rake the snow off our roof.

The next day, he and his wife came over and dug out the path to the front door. We were blessed. We received numerous telephone calls from friends offering to help us or saying that they would pick up groceries for us.

My cup was overflowing with comfort and joy. But we were not the exception. All over the neighborhood people were plowing driveways for others, digging out walkways, and helping in any way possible.

And then there was our little Scottie girl, Piper. I learned long ago that Scotties, and probably most dogs, will work very hard to adapt to difficult situations. This was a difficult time because it is not safe for a dog to be out more than ten minutes when the temperature drops below 10 degrees. At zero or below, they should not be out for more than five minutes.

At 13 years old, Piper usually needs a little time outside. We always walk for an hour a day unless the weather is like this last cold storm. I don’t know how she managed it, but she took care of her needs in three minutes or less every day.

Now it’s an election year, but then it often feels like an election year all the time anymore with all the political bickering going on. But thank you Sisters Country Folks, everyone put such nonsense aside during this big chill.

I’m wondering why we can’t learn to put politics aside more and put kindness forward in its place. Didn’t it feel wonderful to give and receive helpful kindness from our neighbors? When we become unpleasant, like snapping turtles about political issues, do we make a positive difference in other’s lives? Or do we just make ourselves and others feel bad?

Below is a quote I’d like to share. It’s about illumination, which relates to raising one’s conscious mind to a higher, more loving thought level.

Illumination dissolves all material ties and binds people* together with the golden chains of spiritual understanding; it acknowledges only the leadership of the Christ; it has no ritual or rules but the divine, impersonal universal Love; no other worship than the inner Flame that is the free state of spiritual fellowship.* The only restraint is the discipline of Soul; therefore, we know liberty without license; a divine service to God without ceremony or creed.

The illumined walk without fear — by Grace.

— Joel S. Goldsmith

*Modified word for gender consideration.

Our cold Arctic blast illuminated people for a time. Love and kindness ruled the cold. We can all do this more often than once every five of six years when we are shrouded in an Arctic freeze. We are all better than the arguing world of the politician. We are members of a wonderful community, and we can make everyone feel loved. God bless us all.

“God is bigger than any problem. God in you is greater than any difficulty you have to meet. God cares for you more than it is possible for any human being to realize. God can help you in proportion to the degree in which you worship him. You worship God by really putting your trust in him … You worship God by recognizing his presence everywhere, in all people and conditions that you meet; and by praying regularly. You pray well when you pray with joy.” — Emmet Fox


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